Migration Season is Here

The seasonal migration of the Bigfoot creature has begun. Starting in October, the beasts will begin their movement from the north, spending the colder months in warmer southern territories such as those in Florida, Texas, and Southern California, as well as Mississippi and Arkansas. As spring arrives, they begin a return northward journey, heading back to states like Washington, Oregon, and Michigan, and into the more northern parts of California by summer.
“That’s essentially the core of the seasonal migration theory, which is not just a theory, but fact,” says Tom Biscardi. “This is borne out by sightings reports from across the United States. Sightings in southern regions peak in the cooler months, and it is the opposite in warmer times.”
As Biscardi notes, this theory isn’t just wild speculation. It’s based on patterns observed in reported sightings over many decades. Bigfoot researchers have noted that sightings in southern states tend to peak during winter months, while northern sightings increase in summer. The timing of these movements is thought to occur around March to April for the northward journey and late September to October for the return south.
“Those living and travelling to and through the middle of the country can expect to also see a rise in sightings during the fall, with Bigfoot making its trek through our great country,” says Biscardi.
To report a sighting for potential investigation by the Searching for Bigfoot team, contact Tom Biscardi at (415) 518-8494 or email tombiscardi@gmail.com.